400 Volunteers for the Environment - Bakuriani Cleanup Festival was held with the support of “Tegeta Green Planet”

400 Volunteers for the Environment - Bakuriani Cleanup Festival was held with the support of “Tegeta Green Planet”

On June 5 the world celebrated the International Day of Environmental Protection. In connection with this date, with the organization of the charitable organization "Sadagi", on June 3-5 Bakuriani Cleanup Festival was organized, which was attended by about 400 volunteers from Tbilisi, Gori, Borjomi and Bakuriani. Information about it is distributed by “Tegeta Holding” company. 
According to their reports, business companies with environmental and social responsibility, embassies and foreign volunteers also joined the festival. Among the golden sponsors of the Bakuriani Cleanup Festival is “Tegeta Holding”, for which environmental activities are one of the key areas of corporate responsibility.
"In order to achieve sustainability goals, it is important for “Tegeta Holding” and “Tegeta Green Planet” to work together with partners who care about the environment. To that end, on International Day of Environmental Protection, we were happy to support “Sadagi”'s initiative to clean up one of Georgia's most important tourist resorts -  Bakuriani, where large amounts of waste become visible after the snow melts.
“Sadagi”'s environmental cleanup initiative is one of the most ambitious; hundreds of volunteers are involved. All are united by one goal - to clean up and take care of the environment. "Tegeta” supports those who share in the responsibility of caring for the environment," said “Tegeta Holding” Strategic Communications Manager Natika Berdzuli. 
The purpose of the annual cleanup festival is to clean up the territory of the resort, maintaining cleanliness with the participation of the local population, the formation of environmental habits of the population, and the popularization of the elimination of pollution of nature. As a result of cleaning, in Bakuriani was collected 52 thousand liters of waste, not counting construction waste such as metal and wooden grates, as well as up to 400 car and truck tires.
"The “Sadagi” Charity has been in existence for two years. We clean different areas in Georgia at least twice a month. Prior to the Bakuriani Cleanup Festival, we had already had experience cleaning the ski resort. We challenged ourselves to a three-day Bakuriani Cleanup Festival. Many people joined us - hundreds of volunteers, including “Tegeta Holding” employees. "Tegeta" was the first company that gladly agreed to be a gold sponsor of the event. The festival will be an annual event, and we will gradually reach all resorts," said Maya Mestumre, head of marketing and communications department for “Sadagi”.
"Tegeta Green Planet” plans to take out about 400 tires collected from the Bakuriani cleanup.
"Georgia has recycling plants licensed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. We are ready to remove and turn in about 400 tires collected from the cleanup for further recycling in accordance with the relevant technical regulations. When used tires enter the environment, they themselves become hazardous waste. It takes hundreds of years for a tire to decompose and, in fact, it does not decompose. In addition, the tire is easily flammable, and at high temperatures creates a fire hazard and spreads fire. When burning, it has a pungent smell and emits harmful substances. Therefore, it is not allowed to incinerate them at home, they should be recycled only at relevant facilities in order to protect the environment from pollution," said Shalva Akhvlediani, Director of “Tegeta Green Planet”.
During the three-day Bakuriani Cleanup Festival, volunteers had the opportunity in the evenings to attend interesting thematic meetings where they could appreciate the seriousness of waste management, and understand the importance of environmental protection for nature and human health.