An information campaign Take Care of the Environment was held for Tegeta employees

An information campaign "Take Care of the Environment" was held for Tegeta employees

Based on the idea of caring for the environment, Tegeta Holding and Tegeta Green Planet, together with the social enterprise Zero Effect, conducted an incentive information campaign for employees of the holding company.

Environmental pollution and climate change know no boundaries. Along with the approaches of states in this process, the awareness and individual behavior of each person is also important. We all need to realize that we harm the environment with our daily actions and should lead an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

The aim of the campaign was to raise employees' awareness of environmental issues and to develop eco-friendly habits, by incorporating them into their daily lives, people can make a small contribution to caring for the environment. The organizers believe that awareness is the first and foremost step in the process of caring for the environment.

The campaign included interesting facts and informative posts about the dangers of waste and the rules of effective waste management, the problems of land pollution by plastic waste, the problems of fast fashion, the importance of Georgia's forests, and methods of improving our environment and how to implement them. Approximately 2,500 Tegeta Holding employees viewed the posts.

The culmination of the information campaign was a specially designed quiz in which all employees of the holding company were able to participate. About 250 employees answered the questions of the incentive quiz, and the winners received specially selected environmental gifts