The national debate tournament on environmental protection will be held with the support of Tegeta Green Planet.

The national debate tournament on environmental protection will be held with the support of "Tegeta Green Planet".

• A memorandum of cooperation between "Tegeta Green Planet" and "Institute of Debates and Education of Georgia" was signed.

• More than 350 students from 30 schools across Georgia will take part in debates over the course of 5 months.


A memorandum of cooperation was signed between "Tegeta Green Planet" and "Georgian Institute of Debates and Education" (GIDE). As a result of the cooperation, a national debate tournament on the topic of environmental protection will be held throughout Georgia with the support of the UN Global Development Initiative "Climate Promise" together with "Tegeta Green Planet".

The purpose of this large-scale tournament is to popularize the environmental topic, increase awareness, and deepen knowledge among young people, using debate methods. Accordingly, it is important for the company to support the implementation of the goals of sustainable development of the UN, such as quality education, sustainable consumption and production, actions against climate change, etc. For "Tegeta Holding", which is guided by the CSR strategy in accordance with international standards, the priority areas are, care for the environment and education.

Shalva Ahvlediani, director of "Tegeta Green Planet": The agreement signed between the Institute of Debates and "Tegeta Green Planet" is another step forward in the care of the environment. We believe that this project will interest young people more, and they will be able to better understand environmental problems. The main concern of "Tegeta Green Planet" is the protection of the environment, which involves the management of specific wastes, including their recycling and recovery. We want as many young people as possible to be informed about the importance of waste management so that in the future they themselves become the initiators of changes in the implementation of the best environmentally friendly practices. This project for them is one of the best ways to get deep knowledge on environmental and ecological topics».

The project will start in March, 30 teachers from 30 schools, 30 directors, more than 350 school students, and students from different universities will be involved in it all over Georgia.

The tournament includes the preparation of students for debates on the basis of debate clubs in practically all regions of Georgia, which includes the following activities: training students in each club in the direction of debate techniques, recruiting debating teams; Meetings with experts on ecological topics both face-to-face and online - including with representatives of "Tegeta", with the national head of the EU4 UNDP on climate change, etc.

The qualifying rounds of the debate tournament will be held. 60 games are planned, at the end of which the best debate participants will be revealed. The project will be fully inclusive, and representatives of various minorities and vulnerable groups will actively participate in it. According to the results of the project, the final event will be organized.

Tinatin Tsertsvadze, Chairman of the "Institute of Debates and Education of Georgia" (GIDE): "It is very important for us to cooperate with such a company as "Tegeta" which supports us in the process of working with teenagers in the direction of education, and cooperates with us on all relevant issues connected with the environment. Thanks to our cooperation, we will be able to properly prepare teenagers and, accordingly, teachers all across Georgia for the national debate tournament. All clubs with which we actively cooperate and which are closely related to environmental protection will take part in this tournament.

We believe that together with "Tegeta Green Planet", the implementation of the mentioned project is now the most important, since teenagers directly learn what ways out there are in Georgia. They will see, hear, discuss, and be able to better present these problems in their families, community, and society as a whole, which is very important in our current reality".

For reference: the mission of the Institute of Debates and Education of Georgia (GIDE) is to promote the development of knowledge and skills necessary for argumentative reasoning, both among youth and adults, by means of training in educational and formal debates. For several years now, with the support of the “Gudavadze-Patarkatsishvili Foundation”, the project "Debates for the best education" has been implemented, the goal of which is to create debate clubs in schools and strengthen youth and teachers.


«Tegeta Green Planet» - an organization that is part of «Tegeta Holding», working since 2022. The company was one of the first in Georgia to receive permission from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture as part of the extended producer responsibility for the management of used tires, oils, and batteries. At the first stage, the organization collects, transports, and processes the above-mentioned specific waste according to the regulations, and then manages them in accordance with the rules of the circular economy.