Tegeta Green Planet representatives participated in the first plenary meeting held to develop a national guideline for Georgia's transition to a circular economy.

Tegeta Green Planet representatives participated in the first plenary meeting held to develop a national guideline for Georgia's transition to a circular economy.

On October 17, 2023, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and the Union of Nature Researchers of Georgia "Orkis" organized a plenary session on the development of national guidelines for Georgia's transition to a circular economy. 

During the session, the participants talked about the importance of circular economy development in Georgia. The participants discussed the role of circular economy in sustainable development and green economy. The meeting highlighted the steps the country took towards circular economy development and identified priority sectors where there are more opportunities for recycling. 

The participants discussed the main results of the circular economy assessment of Georgia and presented aspects related to the development of circularity guidelines for the country. 

The event took place within the framework of the Swedish Government-funded sub-project "Supporting the Government of Georgia in Strengthening Governance and Policy in the Transition to Circular Economy" - a project of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Governance Reform Fund (GRF).