Tegeta Green Planet” took part in a forum hosted by Buckswood School

"Tegeta Green Planet” took part in a forum hosted by Buckswood School

On May 10, 2023, Tegeta Green Planet representatives participated in a forum by Buckswood School. The forum focused on sustainability goals and was attended by students from private schools in Tbilisi.

The event also included an exhibition of sustainability-focused companies, where “Tegeta Green Planet” representatives introduced the students to the organization's main activities. They also shared information about separate waste collection and transferring it to a licensed recycling plant.

As part of the forum, students had the opportunity to participate in an "Ideathon," which meant thinking about innovative ideas to solve global problems. "Tegeta Green Planet” gave the students symbolic gifts: branded pens, caps, and books.

It is important for the organization to promote the development of environmental knowledge and skills of schoolchildren. "Tegeta Green Planet” is constantly trying through various activities to promote public awareness of the importance of waste management. 

Photographer - Natashi Lazishvili