Tegeta Holding and Tegeta Green Planet celebrated Earth Day

Tegeta Holding and Tegeta Green Planet celebrated Earth Day

On April 22, 2024, Tegeta Holding celebrated Earth Day and joined the annual event together with 193 countries. Earth Day has been celebrated in Georgia since 1990.

As part of Earth Day, Tegeta Holding together with Tegeta Green Planet organized a waste paper collection campaign. In all Tegeta branches across Georgia, employees collected more than 1 ton of waste paper and then delivered it to the appropriate plant for recycling.

Taking care of the environment is part of Tegeta's corporate sustainability strategy. In order to manage waste, the company has reduced paper consumption. Necessary documentation is sent to the customer electronically, and the holding company's internal document management is fully electronic. Used paper at Tegeta is collected and sent to the recycling plant as part of the paper-literature project. Due to the fact that Tegeta saves and recycles paper, the cutting down of an average of more than 200 trees per year can be avoided.

Tatia Khorbaladze, Head of Strategic Communications at Tegeta Holding: "At Tegeta we believe that by recycling waste we can create new value for the earth. It is the idea of caring for the environment that drives us when we get involved in environmental activities. It is important for us to join global movements such as at least the International Day for the Protection of our Planet every time, to remind society once again of the importance of caring for the environment, and to encourage us to unite around this idea.

Our company has a comprehensive and long-term vision in the direction of caring for the environment. The activities of our subsidiary Tegeta Green Planet, which efficiently disposes of specific waste (tires, oils, batteries) and delivers the generated waste to recycling plants, serve exactly this purpose.

I would also highlight the company's sustainable transportation policy, which involves promoting electric vehicles and developing the related infrastructure."

"Tegeta also handles production materials. The company sorts waste oil, batteries, and tires. This waste is then transferred to licensed recycling facilities through Tegeta's subsidiary Tegeta Green Planet, and recycled into useful resources by various partner companies.