Terms and Conditionsissimos

                                                                                                      "Terms and Conditions" of the Web Page of N(N)LE "Tegeta Green Planet"

These "Terms and Conditions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions") govern the relationship between N(N)LE "TegetaGreen Planet" (Identification Number: 405523161; e-mail: [email protected] ) hereinafter referred to as the "Company"/the "EPR Organization") and the user ( hereinafter referred to as the "User") who logged into the system (hereinafter referred to as the “System”) of “Company’s” website (http://tgp.ge/)

1.      Definition of terms:

“Company"/ "EPR Organization" - N(N)LE "Tegeta Green Planet" (identification number: 405523161; legal address: N129 David Agmashenebeli alley, Saburtalo district, Tbilisi, Georgia; e-mail address: [email protected] )

"User" - a legal entity registered by the legislation of Georgia and/or any adult natural person;

"Web page" / "Site"– the web page administered by the "Company" - http://tgp.ge/ 

2.      General Terms

1.1. Upon entering the "System", "User" agrees  to these „Terms and Conditions” and declares its voluntary consent that "Terms and conditions" shall apply and "User" automatically bound by these "Terms and Conditions".

1.2. Upon entering "Site", "User" will be able to get acquainted with the information posted by the "Company". Furthermore, should need arise, “User” is entitled to contact the "Company" with a written message/application through the relevant page (the "Contact") of the "Web Page ".

1.3. Before using the "Web Page", the "User " is obliged to acknowledge itself with the conditions specified in it. After reading these "Terms and conditions", and pressing the confirmation button, the "User" certifies that “User” has had a sufficient opportunity to read Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions.

2.    Conditions for Sending a WrittenApplication by the "User" tothe "System".

2.1. On the corresponding page of the "System" (the "Contact" ), the "User" has the right to send a written message/application to the "Company", for which the following information will be indicated on his part each time:

a) in the case of a natural person:

A.a) name;

a.b) the last name;

A.B) e-mail;

a.d) topic (general information);

a.e) message/application (detailed content of the request/application);


b) in the case of a legal entity:

b.a) name;

b.b) identification number;

b.c) e-mail;

b.d) topic (general information);

b.e) message/application (detailed content of the request/application);

2.2. After fully completing the fields specified in p. 2.1 of these "Terms and conditions ", by clicking confirmation button the "User" agrees to these "Terms and Conditions" and is entitled to submit a written application to the "Company".

2.3.  Through the "Web Page", the "User" will have the right to discover the application forms and relevant agreements for joining the "EPR Organization" and, if necessary, download them. In addition, after fully completing the fields specified in p. 2.1 of these "Terms and Conditions ", the "User" has the right to upload a signed application form and/or an application of other content to the appropriate field and send it to the "Company".

2.4. The application submitted by the "User" to the "Company" through this "Web Page " is automatically sent to the official e-mail address of the "Company"- [email protected].

2.5. Any application by the "User" must be submitted in a signed form.

2.6. The Companu reviews application received through the "Web page" in the standard manner. The "User" will be notified of the response to the corresponding application through the e-mail address specified by the "User" in the corresponding field in p. 2.1. of these "Terms and conditions ".

3.    Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1     The "Company" is authorized to:

3.1.1        Unilaterally change these "Terms and Conditions" at any time and publish them on the "Site".

3.1.2        Terminate the "User" access to the "System" at any time due to a technical problem, error, inaccuracy, or misconduct of the "User" or for any other reason that may cause damage to the "System" or the "Company" itself.

3.1.3        Control all the actions of the "User" and, in case of any violation, take appropriate measures at its discretion.

3.1.4         If the "Company" becomes aware of the violation by the "User" of the obligations under these "Terms and Conditions ", the "Company" has the right to block the "User" and restrict the "User " (persons with the same data) access to "Site”.

3.2     The "Company" is obliged to:

3.2.1. Process the data of the "User" in line with the requirements of the legislation of Georgia and these "Terms and conditions". 

3.3     The "User" is authorized to:

3.3.1. To act in line with the requirements established by these "Terms and Conditions" when entering the "System";

3.4     The "User" is obliged to:

3.4.1        Indicate real, complete, accurate data of itself, while filling in the fields specified in p. 2.1 of these "Terms and Conditions" in the "System", and in case of violation of the obligation provided for by the specified subparagraph, “User” shall be liable to the "Company" and third persons.

3.4.2        To comply with these "Terms and Conditions ".

4.    Processing/protection of personal data of the "User"

4.1   The "Company" ensures the protection of the personal data of the "User" within its competence and based on the current legislation.

4.2   The "User", as the subject of personal data, agreeing with these "Terms and Conditions", declares his voluntary consent and gives the "Company" prior and voluntary permission to store and process personal data of the “User” (name, surname, e-mail address of the "User") collected during the registration process and the actions carried out by the “User” in the “System” for direct marketing in connection with the services of the "Company" for the "User", innovations implemented in the "Company", and special offers. The afore-mentioned consent is considered to be given if the "User" agrees with these  “Terms and conditions". The "Company" will store the specified data until the "User" requests otherwise in accordance to this document and applicable law.

4.3   The "User" has the right at any time to demand from the "Company" to correct, update, add, block, delete or destroy, or stop using his data for marketing purposes by any means of communication - by calling the hotline: (0322) 2 26 44 40 / (+995 591) 35 55 88, by sending a written message to the address: N129 David Agmashenebeli alley, Tbilisi, or to the email address: [email protected], - if they are incomplete, inaccurate, outdated, or if they were collected and processed in violation of the law, or if the "User" wishes to stop using his data for direct marketing purposes. In this case, the "Company" is obliged to correct, update, add, block, delete or destroy the data within 10 (ten) working days after receiving the data subject's request, or inform the data subject of the reason for the refusal.


5.    Final provisions

5.1   The relations provided for by these “Terms and Conditions” are subject to the legislation of Georgia.

5.2   Any disagreements that may arise between the parties must be resolved through negotiations, otherwise the parties will apply to the common courts of Georgia.